2011년 1월 30일 일요일

I came back to my house...

I came back to my house...and you know what?
Many things were changed...
First, my mom's phone was changed to Iphone, which I am using now to post some short writings...I really apprecieate it.
Umm...I guess my brother's personality WAS changed (he became very enthusiastic).
I miss my roommates and my classmates A LOT
GLPS was the best camp in my life.
I loved my teachers, friends, classes...
I miss them all!!!!!!
I have some good knews; I won the first place of the best blogs!
Thank you for Mr. Garrioch!!
I REALLY miss everyone....
Thank you for everyone that helped me~

댓글 1개:

  1. Good to hear things are changed for the better. You did a good job keeping your blog and I hope you keep at it. Good luck to you Emily!
