2011년 1월 10일 월요일

My History Presentation!(I should improve a lot!)

My History Presentation
      Hello, everyone. My name is Emily Kim and I am going to give you a presentation about my topic, Widukind which is also a character in the movie, Charlemagne. Before preparing, I didnot have intrest in medival history, butit was a good experience to reasearch and studying about it.
     When I saw the movie Charlemagne, it was hard to see Widukind's appearance, so I did some reasearch on the computer. However, there was not much information on the computer ethier, so I will tell you Widukind relating with Charlemagne. First, I am going to tell you about Widukind, and my opinions about him.
     First, I will tell you about Widukind.According to Google and the Catholic Encyclopedia, Widukind was the Saxon leader and also one of the royalities in the Westphalian. He was dead in the year 807, and no one knows when hs was born. He worked hard for the pagans during the struggle of Saxons. The Feankish king was Charlemagne. The Frankish wars were coloured with thier special feeling of France. After Charlemagne's victory in the year of  777, Widukind escaped to Denmark because he knew that they were the next one to be attacked. He knew that the case of opposition would not work. So in 778, when Charlemagne was in Spain, he came back and organized the war of revenge and told the Saxons the im-portance of independence tothe Saxons. So as it was organized, the Saxons destroyed the region, and also threatened Fulda. The monks of Fulda fled with the remains. Unfortunately, the frankish army saved the town by defeating the Saxons. In 782, Charlemagne tried to make the pagan Saxons to move to the Frankish area, but they did not. So, they started a war.While fighting, Charlemagne killed 783 people out of 4500 ofthem. Widukind escaped to Denmark again. However, the SAxons fought more fiercely. So, Charlemagne asked Widukind for peace, and Widukind met the empress and accepted baptism. When Charlemagne started to march home, Widukind came again. Few years later, the Saxon started to develop, and the wends were curious about it. Then again, Widuking went back to Denmark and persuaded the citizens to join the revolt. However, thier last opposition got weaker and weaker.Charlemagne knew that the opposition was done, so the Frankish people enjoyed a comfortable Thanksgiving.
     After that, in the late wars of Saxons, Widukind did not take a big part, but now, Widukind is known as a hero of legend.
     Now, this is my opinion. In my opinion, I guess that Widukind was a clever man because he had no problem in persuading the citizens to join the revolt. This should be because he spoke something that can convince them or spoke in a brilliant way. If I was the citizen, I would not try to join it because it could be very dangerous, but they did, so I guess that he was clever.
     Also, I think he is brave. If I wan him, I would not try to revenge against the great king Charlemagne because they might fight back, and I won't be expecting it to happen.
      As I said when I introduced my presentation, his appearance was very rare in the movie, so I thought it would be hard to prepare for it, but it was not as I thought. If I organize my speech in a sentence, I can say that Wkidukind was the Saxon leader who was brave and clever against the Fankish king Charlemagne. I hope you learned a lot. Thank you for listening to my presentation!!!

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