2011년 1월 17일 월요일

My History Presentation-2

      Have you ever seen anyone in the history that has two faces? Most of them are hard working from the beginning to the end. Well, this is known by the legend, but I found one person with two differeent faces which is the character of the movie. Through the movie, I could barely know that he was one of Charles' soldiers and he fought for his victory.
     Yes, my topic is Ogier the Dane. Dane means a person who comes from Denmark. The reason I chose Ogier is because for the last presentation, I researched about the Saxon leader, Widukind which s Charlemagne's enemy, and this time, I wanted to research about Charles' side. I will tell you some legends and information, and the modern works related to Ogier the Dane.
     According to Wikipedia, the article "Ogier the Dane", he is the soldier of Charlemagne who tried to destroy the Saxons for Charles. Through the legend, it is told that he is known in the Northern Europs, but he got popular fast, and n the 15th century, he was also described in the pictures of Denmark and Sweden's church.
     Pederson, Who was living in Paris made Ogier to the son of the Dansih king. The Danish king made Ogier the hostage of Charlemagne, and this became famous in Denmark.
    Like Fedrick Babarossa, Saint Wenceslas, or King Arthur, in the legend of Denmark, Ogier became the king in the mountain and said to live in the Konbruge Castle, and he played until he realized that Denmark was in a big danger.
     According to another legend, Morganle Fay took him to Avalon. In the opera, Holger Danske in 1789 explains thislegend.
     Next, I will tell you about modern works related to Ogier the Dane. Poul Anderson's fantasy novel, " Three Hearts and Three Lions" in 1961 draws these many legends and also change them. I could know that Ogier was a historical person with as much legends. The main character, Holger Carlsen whom is a Danish fighter is delivered to a fantasy changed history. He eventually learns that he is Ogier the Dane, sent to our world to remove him from human and faries. At the end, he concludes the prediction that Ogier wil return at the time of France.
      Now, these are what I felt about this character. According to Wikipedia, the article "Oger the Dane", in one of is legends it said that Ogier became a king living in the Konbruge Castle. I think before he bacame a king, he was full of devotion, but I guess he became a little bit arrogant and not clever after he bacame a king. This is because he mostly played, and also I introduced tis before.
     I wish I have a chance to take a look at the book. Ithink it will be fun reading it.Maybe it will make me go inside the backround of Denmark, and experience what Ogier actually did.
     I did not know, Ogier has so many legends related to him. I think heis the character that has the most legends, and I liked the one that he just played before realizing the problem because it could have made him learn a lesson.
     In conclusion, I told youabout many of his legends such as becoming a hostage of Charlemagne and becoming a king, and also my opinion is that he was clever and loyal, but not after becoming a king. Maybe there will be a chance for the book of  legends. Before I end my presentation, I will give you a question. Do you think you are a person like Ogier, the two faced men? Thank you!

댓글 3개:

  1. Wow!
    Your Presentation is really nice!
    It's really great and I hope to see you present this in the history class!!!^^

  2. I loved your presetation!!!!! Have no idea why you didnt got the first place!!TTTTTTThehe what ever, the presetation(speech+essay)is reallllly nice!!
