2011년 1월 15일 토요일


     Dear Naeun, Sua, Jiwon, my intensive roommates,
     Hi! You know who I am, right? You should know!
     The half of GLPS is already done, and now, if people say I need to go home, I think I will be very sad. I am now very familiar in you guys, (all listening to Mr. Garrioch's class) and I believe we are great friends now! We were friendly when we met for the first time! Remember? We were talking like we knew each other before we came to the camp!
     I will tell specific things to you..
     First, Naeun! I am sorry that I go up your bed a lot! I will try to stop it. Also, I think we are a match made in heaven! Ha-ha! This is because...you know. Our specialities are exactly the same, or the very opposite! I never had a friend like that.
     Umm.. Sua! I envy you. You are so good at English! THanks for all the goods and snacks! I enjoy them very much, and I will try to give you my snacks, too.Also, I am sorry to turn on the music when you are the tagger of the game, Marco Polo. The thing is you are good, and you know that.
     Finally, Jiwon! Thanks for trying to be fun and make me laugh. I will try to make you fun, too and I will not try to say sorry. I know you don't like it. I will help you a lot in all things, and I will always like you as a friend!
     To all of them, I wish you can see this and reply. Bye~ Have a nice weekend!
  January 16, 2011
  Love, Emily
  X X X

댓글 3개:

  1. ㅋㅋ You have to be sorry about that!!
    There are too much people using my things without my consent! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    Anyway, let's be a good friends, with no fights, for next 2 weeks! BYEEEEEE gg

  2. Guess who am I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I'm your roommate Jee Won.
    Thank's for writing letter for our intensive class roommates and me.
