2011년 1월 11일 화요일

" Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring"

     "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring" gave me a great stimulation and a big lesson. The master, which was smart, saw the young monk tie the fish, frog, and snake. So, he gave him the same punishment, tying a heavy rock on his back. I think the master was right to do it, and it gave me a lot of emotions. I was happy when I saw the boy enjoying being a monk, and also mad and depressed when he tied up the animals and was working on his punishment.
      I think the monk was trying to teach that animals and nature should be respected, same as human. I saw the scene of the fish and smake dead, and I felt very sorry for it. I also repent of afflicting the nature, such as catching a dragonfly. I don't think I was right.
     I had a similar experience like the young monk. My friends and I caught a dragonfly. I knew it was wrong, but I did it. We bothered it a lot, and it seemed painful, but we didn't just cut it off. We did not know how the dragonfly felt, but after the punishment, I knew.
     Since I can think more when I talk and imagine instead of being hit, my friend asked to imagin that a big giant was holding me between his big fingers. Will I like it? Certainly not. I was imaginating the force that was pushing me from sides. I was almost dead, not able to breathe in my imagination. After that, I felt very sorry and painful, and it reminded myself not to bother animals AGAIN.
     While I was watching the film, I learned that I should respect the nature and animals. I could feel it, and it was surprising that just a 20minute film could be so educational. The film was one of the Esop stories which are short, but teaching me a lesson.
     In conclusion, I thought the monk was trying to make the young one to learn to respect the nature, having experience by having the exact thing he did. Well, if you want to bother animals, I prefer you to imagine yourself between two giant fingers!

댓글 1개:

  1. Interesting essay, especially the "big giant." Keep up the good writing!
