2011년 1월 18일 화요일

My Major Essay-Out My Window

     Did you ever go to the site highrise and explore? Well, this is the first time for me, and my friend is Donna, and she lives in Chicago. I am going to write a contrast and compare essay with my house and her house and also the compare and contrast of two worlds, Chicago or The United States and Korea, and finally the difference and similarities of Donna and me.
     First, I will compare and contrast her house and mine. The similarities inside the house is that we had a Christmas tree since Christmas, and she does too. If we look out the window, we can see a parking lot and many buildings like Donna, but the difference is the buildings I see are not destroyed. She has a comfortable - looking sofa, which we have too, and it is looking at the television. At the kitchen, there are many plates, which we use at our house, and there is a bed room, too. We have some pictures of people in the house, but the difference about it is that the picures Donna has are the friends' who died out and looks sad, but in our house pictures, we have family pictures, all smiling. It is kind of a sad comparement. Now, what is the difference with her house and our room in the dormitory? First of all, we have no TVs or sofas. We have only the hall, and two rooms. Wow, I found one thing same! I could only find two rooms in her house. Still, she has a kitchen and things, but you know we don't. Out the window! We can also see the parking lot and buildings that are not destroyed, but buildings out of Donna's windows are.
     Now, I will compare and contrast Chicago ( The United States) and Korea. While I was watching the videos availible, I realized that Chicago is a very scary country and I also thoughjt I was lucky to be in Korea. What is the matter? Donna's son got shot in the year of 13, and she also got shot when she was young. Isn't is sad and also surprising? I never knew that in Chicago, people just shoot everyone without content and penalty. This is a serious problem. Do we shoot each other in Korea, laughing? No, never. It is not often for me to see a person injured by getting shot. However, shooting happens every day in Chicago, almost every moment. Can we do this? No, and I won't expect it to be. Another difference is about the destroyed buildings. Out of Donna's window and by the videos, I could know that most buildings are destroyed. Donna moved about 5 times to be safe. 5 times! It costs a lot of money, and also it is not easy to do in Korea. Wow, are you surprised now?
     Finally, about me and Donna! Donna is a nice woman with babies, and she is brave. Looking outside everyday, looking at the all - destroyed buildings, she barely feels nothing. If I was in Chicago, I would have been crying everyday, looking at the pictures of my friends and the buildings I have lived. Another thing. Looking at her face, she did not look happy, of course. She seemed very depressed and lost all confidence but has effort to live. I am full of effort, too. However, I am not depressed. I am so happy to be in this camp and learn. The similarities are as I mentioned, we both have great effort to live. Also, we enjoy watching tv ( she was staring into the TV ), and I think we both watch out the window much, because she said that she looks out her window everyday, and feels bad. I look out the window and I feel good, and that is the difference.
     In conclusion, there are many similarities and difference with the world, house, and the person it self between Donna and me. I want to ask something to the people reading this. Did you think about why Donna's friend were dead? Yes, it was all shooting. If I meet Donna, I want to give her confidence and encourage her as a friend, it will all be okay now. I will ask you, are you a person like Donna, or a person like me?

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