2011년 1월 16일 일요일

My journal-3rd week of GLPS

Dear DK Diary,
Wow! The half of GLPS is already done!
I think my English skills developed a lot, I also learned about friendship and cooperation.
I actually never missed my mom very much in other camps, but this time, I miss them a lot.
I felt the empty space of my parents and my baby brother. I cried yesterday T_T
I will wait 2 more weeks with the belief that I can see my parents.
Anyways, it is the start of the third week. I guess everyone was sleepy because all of my roommates and I woke up on seven thirty, even if we have to wake up in seven.
I am enjoying blogging, and I love to post things on my blog.
Maybe some gadgets, ( I love the fish and the puppy one) and some essays I worked in writing class.
Bye.. It's time to go to Mr. Chaplian..Debate class!
P.S. Where is your family, anyways?

댓글 2개:

  1. Good work! Keep this effort up! It's all the extra little things that separate the best blogs from the good blogs!;)
