2011년 1월 23일 일요일

An Ode to my cellphone

 I wrote an ode to my cellphone because it always helps me communicate with my friends and I have fun in text-messaging. Also, I always drop it, so I  wanted to say sorry to it. I described it as a running cellphone for my messages, since I don't use calls much as messages.
Dear Cellphone,                                                   
Hello, cellphone. Do you know who I am? Yes, I am your owner.
I want to say thank you to you. You helped me to communicate with my friends.
I am always bored, want to play and you are the one that make me smile and happy!
When my friend asks me to play, I can play because YOU connect me and my friends.
Oh, that is the one which I thank you, and I should also say sorry to you.
The thing is.. that I alwyas drop you on the floor, and because of that, your button was pushed in recently. I am always sorry to you, saying "Yikes!" to myself.
Cellphone, when I bought you for the first time, I was very impressed and happy since you are my firsy touch phone.
Anyways, I will try to use you more often. Lets be the best friends, ever!!
Sinecerly, your owner

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