2011년 3월 1일 화요일

Sweet Days, 'Cause it's Today.

    Do you have a memory of a thirsty, hungry day? Everyone should have at least one memory of starvation and a drought in your throat, and maybe, when you were outside, not in your house where you mom is there to cook for you. Your stomach is growling, well, you can totally eat and drink everything. Well, there is an invention that solved this problem. You may heard of it. It is called the vending machine.
     The vending machine gave great benefits to the people all around the world. What I have experienced is I was at my academy, and I was trying to ride the bus to go home. The problem was that I was totally thirsty. I have drank nothing since 3 hours ago, and I couldn't stand it! I was totally terrified, starving water. What I found was the vending machine. I can't explain how much I was satisfied when I was choosing the beverage and drinking it!'
     Vending machines are not just for drinks. It also produces food these days, such as sandwiches, fast-noodles, and kimbab, too! In some American high schools, there are vending machines that are made for the students. The students can use it, maybe if they missed thier breakfast or when they feel a bit empty.
     Another thing that is produced by vending machines are sweets and snacks. It counts candy, chocolate, gum, jellys and some others! If vending machines are in school with sweets, students can have them before test for concentration, too!
     In the future, I imagine vending machines that can actually give a real-meal. Such like, if we say the menu, it will cook whay we have said! Maybe, I will invent it!^^; Do you understand how much vending machines are beneficial now? Sweet days, just because it's today!

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