2011년 7월 7일 목요일


Rules, by Cynthia Lord
This book was my favorite book…actually just by looking at the cover. The cover is very cute different from other selections. To make a short summary, this is a story about a twelve year girl, Catherine. She wants to live a normal life, and this was very hard because Catherine’s brother, David had autism. It was hard for him to talk and communicate with others. To live a normal life and to help David at the same time, Christine made rules for her brother such as “No toys in the fish tank” (which I think the cover of this book is trying to show).
 What I get to think about while reading this book is, if I was Catherine, would I have been trying to help my brother with autism? I think I won’t, but I might have been trying to avoid him. At school, the same thing happens. There is a boy that is a little different from other classmates, and most of the classmates try to avoid him as possible, so I think that Catherine is a very nice girl.
 Anyway, back to the rules, I liked the rule, “If someone says hi to you, you should say hi back” and “No toys in the fish tank” because it kind of showed about David’s autism. This book is easy to read and also enjoyable, so I would like to recommend this book to my friends!

2011년 6월 23일 목요일

Island of the Blue Dolphins

Let’s say that you are left on an island only with your brother. What will you do? Will you wait to be rescued, just cry, or enjoy the situation and survive by yourself? Maybe I would have been crying, but this girl named Karana enjoyed the situation.
Before I talk about the adventure Karana went through, I want to tell you a very special thing about the people here. Maybe other people who read this book won’t think that this is so special. What I thought that was special was that the people on this island have two names. One is a real name and the other one is a name that others use. Maybe I thought that this was special because it was the first thing that caught my interest from the book. What would my name have been?
Anyways, back to the island “adventure”, Karana has survived by herself by making weapons, finding and making things she needed (instead of crying). If I was Karana, I think I would have been very depressed and horrible, but I think I would have done the same thing as she did. I would have made my house and plates, and get my own food to eat. If I am bored, I will make some “animal friends” and play with them!
I want to ask one thing to Karana, and that is, how she was BRAVE! Also, I wish I had that bravery to survive my myself, too!

2011년 5월 30일 월요일

Reading "The Giver"

The Giver
When I first faced this book, I thought that this book will be very boring and will take a lot of time to finish this. Some will understand what I mean. There are not many books with an old grandpa on there, but do you know that you should not “Judge the book by the cover”, which was exactly what I was doing? I started reading off some of the chapters, and I actually found me inside the book.
What I didn’t like about this “Perfect World” is that if people aren’t able to see colors and emotions and they do what people make them to do, life will be no fun. Totally! Life is fun because sometimes you get into fights and troubles. Even if there are none of these bad things such as murder and illness, the most important thing is to enjoy your life!
When Jonas became the Receiver of Memory also because people made him to have his job as one, I wasn’t sure if he would like it. If you get this job in this world, I knew that you will get to know way more things then before which no one knows. Jonas remembered the colors, and got trained by “The Giver”.
When I figured out that this people “killed” people because they had no emotion, I was very shocked, scared, and also angry like Jonas. Jonas felt the same. He was angry and wanted to release the emotions and he tried to get out of this boring society with the giver (after he does this, the people remember what they forgot). I think this was a good idea.
This book made me think a lot. Is the world without colors, animals and sunshine good? Why did they have to do like this? I enjoyed reading this book, and I want to recommend it to my friends, too.

2011년 3월 28일 월요일

Cars, Are They Made Well?

     What everyone knows but doesn't actually care about is that cars are harmful for the environment. However, I insist that it is the time to think about our nature. What I have seen is wrong is that I have seen people riding bikes for a short ride or when they go out to play, which you can do without your bike, but most of the people go to a close distance by a car. I think this should change.
     First, I understand going to a far distance by a car. You can't ride your bike for hours. However, the silly scene I see often is that students ride a car to school. It is just a 10 minute distance and you need a car? I always walk, at least try to. If you feel empty, you have your friend, bike! If you don't have a bike, I guess you will have to walk. I mean, you will need to buy one. Having your own bike is a basis. These days, almost everyone has a bike. My little brother also has one.
     Second, cars blow out smoke, which is a great cause of global warming and air pollution. To stop this, the cars that use sunlight for fuel should be used earlier than predicted. Another invention I will expect is a car using trash for fuel, I mean, anything! This way, we won't have air pollution and the amount of trash will decrease rapidly. We will not need to have extra money for fuel. Can you imagine it, paying money for trash?
     Finally, over the actual world, I imagine a soft and tender car, such like jelly. This is because if there is one accident, the cars behind should wait, blowing out a great amount of smoke. If cars are made out of some material like jelly, then accidents won't happen often!!
     In conclusion, cars should be made into the right way so it can fit in our environment, clean environment. I want to have a great car with trash fuel. Isn't it AMAZING??

                                                                                                                     <There you go,  jelly cars.>

2011년 3월 9일 수요일

A Few Steps to Find a Career That Fits

     Did you already find a career for your future? Then, I guess you are very lucky, because most students are busy to think about thier careers, like I am. For these, I have a few steps to introduce to find a job that fits you. First, study and try many different things. For example, to find out what you are good at, you should try lots of things, such as don't stop with playing the piano and try to start playing the violin. Maybe you are better at it. Also for tests, don't only take one chosen test. Take others such as IET, TOSEL, and going on.
    Everyone thinks that career is the most important thing these days. You see, we are studying to get a nice career later. University students are also very busy, looking for a job. But, how will you feel if your job is good to earn money, but also what you don't like? You will think it's no fun and you will get bored of it easily. I think the main point of getting a job is to find a job you like and fits to you.                                             
     Next, don't just think about studying. Most of the people think that you can get a good career, just when you are good at studying. However, studying is not all. Well, if you have another very special subject or hobby you like, you can find a career even if you study just like the beginners. Careers such as being an artist doesn't leave the point at studying. Being a designer is the same.
     Finally, you can use the Multiple Intelligences Test. In many sites, you can find your Multiple Intelligences. If you find it, and you totally like it, then you can work for it. You can search more about the career, and make your goal!
     In conclusion, people can find thier career that fits, in three ways I have showned. Try many things, don't just try hard in studying such as math or history, and finally, use the Multiple Intelligences Test. I hope the readers will find thier career that fits them, and live a happy life later!

2011년 3월 1일 화요일

Sweet Days, 'Cause it's Today.

    Do you have a memory of a thirsty, hungry day? Everyone should have at least one memory of starvation and a drought in your throat, and maybe, when you were outside, not in your house where you mom is there to cook for you. Your stomach is growling, well, you can totally eat and drink everything. Well, there is an invention that solved this problem. You may heard of it. It is called the vending machine.
     The vending machine gave great benefits to the people all around the world. What I have experienced is I was at my academy, and I was trying to ride the bus to go home. The problem was that I was totally thirsty. I have drank nothing since 3 hours ago, and I couldn't stand it! I was totally terrified, starving water. What I found was the vending machine. I can't explain how much I was satisfied when I was choosing the beverage and drinking it!'
     Vending machines are not just for drinks. It also produces food these days, such as sandwiches, fast-noodles, and kimbab, too! In some American high schools, there are vending machines that are made for the students. The students can use it, maybe if they missed thier breakfast or when they feel a bit empty.
     Another thing that is produced by vending machines are sweets and snacks. It counts candy, chocolate, gum, jellys and some others! If vending machines are in school with sweets, students can have them before test for concentration, too!
     In the future, I imagine vending machines that can actually give a real-meal. Such like, if we say the menu, it will cook whay we have said! Maybe, I will invent it!^^; Do you understand how much vending machines are beneficial now? Sweet days, just because it's today!

2011년 1월 30일 일요일

I came back to my house...

I came back to my house...and you know what?
Many things were changed...
First, my mom's phone was changed to Iphone, which I am using now to post some short writings...I really apprecieate it.
Umm...I guess my brother's personality WAS changed (he became very enthusiastic).
I miss my roommates and my classmates A LOT
GLPS was the best camp in my life.
I loved my teachers, friends, classes...
I miss them all!!!!!!
I have some good knews; I won the first place of the best blogs!
Thank you for Mr. Garrioch!!
I REALLY miss everyone....
Thank you for everyone that helped me~

2011년 1월 24일 월요일


Jasper Was Bad (Not Really)
Jasper Was Bad (Not actually)
I found this picture and name at my daily-puppy gadjets! Isn't is funny? 
I think the dog is sooooo~~~~~~~cute!! Staring at people!!

Ending GLPS...Could THIS actually happen???????!!!!!

Ending GLPS. How sad and horrible!!
     Well, of course, I love my family, I want to see them. Does it mean I want to leave here? I don't think so. I really want to stay here. I love my teachers, classmates, and roommates. They are so nice and cool. I like my TAs and PAs, too.
     The sad thing is that I NEED to leave! In my will, I NEED to stay here! I will get stress by presentations and debates, however, it is fun here! I will miss all of the people here, and once again, I felt that I want to come here. I will study to come here, I will work to come here.
     Everyone in GLPS 15! Let's work, and I will miss KMLA as much as GLPS.

2011년 1월 23일 일요일

Could it actually happen?!

It happened last Saturday. Stephanie and I were camping in my back yard. We were telling jokes and eating pizzas when we heard an odd, delicious noise coming from the violin. We thought it sounded like a talking lion.
Bravely, Stephanie ran to the lion. I heard colorful music and bought to my friend. Right before my eyes I saw Stephanie disappear and then reappear as a peculiar, 54678987654–foot hippo. I swam! But then the hippo ran and said, “I'm starving. Got any ice cream?
“Wa-wah-where's Stephanie?” I stammered.
“What's wrong with you? I am Stephanie!”
That's when I fainted.

Yes..I would have fainted.

An Ode to my cellphone

 I wrote an ode to my cellphone because it always helps me communicate with my friends and I have fun in text-messaging. Also, I always drop it, so I  wanted to say sorry to it. I described it as a running cellphone for my messages, since I don't use calls much as messages.
Dear Cellphone,                                                   
Hello, cellphone. Do you know who I am? Yes, I am your owner.
I want to say thank you to you. You helped me to communicate with my friends.
I am always bored, want to play and you are the one that make me smile and happy!
When my friend asks me to play, I can play because YOU connect me and my friends.
Oh, that is the one which I thank you, and I should also say sorry to you.
The thing is.. that I alwyas drop you on the floor, and because of that, your button was pushed in recently. I am always sorry to you, saying "Yikes!" to myself.
Cellphone, when I bought you for the first time, I was very impressed and happy since you are my firsy touch phone.
Anyways, I will try to use you more often. Lets be the best friends, ever!!
Sinecerly, your owner

2011년 1월 22일 토요일

My History Presentation-3

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Kim Daeun, and you can call me Emily. Before I start my presentation, let me ask you a question. Do you believe in any religion? What kind of it? Do you think only we have religions to believe in our times? That is totally wrong. So, what did the Saxons believe? Yes, they believed the pagan religion, which is also called Germanic paganism. It is also my topic for this presentation. According to the naver dictionary, Paganism is pagan beliefs and activities, and pagans were people who did not believe in Christianity and who many Christians considered to be inferior or lower people in former times. Did you understand my topic? So, for my presentation, I will tell you a little about my topic. First, I will explain about the migration period and the middle ages. Next, I will tell you some cultic practices related to paganism which are burials and festivals, and worship and sacrifice. Finally, I will talk about what irminsul is, and my opinion. Now, I will start,
First, I will talk about the migration period. According to Wikipedia, the article Germanic Paganism, during the Migration period, Germanic religion was told as mixed power from Christianity and Mediterranean Culture. Jordanes’ Getica is a 6th century promise of the Goths, written a one and a half century after Christianity replaced the older religions among the Goths. According to Getica, the boss god of the Goths was Mars. Now Mars has always been respected by the Goths with evil ceremony, and prisoners were killed as his victims. They thought he was the lord of war ought to be relaxed by the flow of human blood. How terrible! To him, they gave out the first share of the spoil, and in his honor, his arms were harmed. Also, the Goths were changed to Arianism in the 4th country, at the same time, it the adoption of Christianity by the Roman Empire itself.
Next, about the Middle Ages. In 1000 AD, Iceland became Christian, although redone of pagan worship in private was tolerated. Most of Scandinavia was Christianized during the 11th century. Adam Bremen gives the last report of strong paganism. Sometimes, the subjects of a lord to abolish to Christianity refused to follow his lead and sometimes would force the lord to abolish has conversion. The attempt of the dismissed Christian boss Olaf II of Northway to retake the throne resulted in a bloody civil war.
Now, I will tell you about some cultic practice of Saxon pagan religion. The first two are burials and festivals. First, I will talk about the Saxon pagan religions’ burial. In most of the times, slaves were killed beside their owners at death. Some cases have been found from Anglo-Saxon England, and are also recorded on the 10th century account of Ibn Fadlan, who proved a burial amongst the Rus tribe in which a wanting female slave who had belonged to the dead master was treated like loyalty.
Now, what about festivals in the Saxon pagan religion? There was not only reunifying set of festivals across the pagan Germanic world. However, these festivals all had similar functions and structures, described be Ewing as being a public celebration of the god, where the placed community or the nation redone its strings through the worship for god. In renewing the peoples promise with the god, they also renew their sense of community. Taticus relates that the early Germans celebrated only 3 seasons which are spring, summer and winter while the Law Book of Iceland, from a thousand years later, it shows that the pagan Icelanders only divided an year only in to summer and winter. It feels like a mystery. Doesn’t it?
What is worship, and what is sacrifice? According to the naver dictionary, if you worship a god, you show your respect to the god, for example by saying prayers, and if you sacrifice something that is valuable or important, you give it up, usually to obtain something else for yourself or for other people. Let me talk about paganism worship and sacrifice.
Across the Germanic world, there was some variation in the places where pagans worshipped; however, it was common for sited displaying natural features to be used. Tacitus claimed that the 1st century tribes of Germany did not confine the gods within walls, but that they worshipped out of doors at holy woods and groves, and similarly there is evidence from later Europe, Anglo-Saxon England and Scandinavia that the pagans worshipped out doors at trees, groves, wells, stones, fences and notable being the Swedish Temple at Uppsala.
About sacrifice! The sacrifice is like this- Of all the living beings that are male, nine head are offered by whose blood is the custom to relax the gods. Their bodies, however, are hung in a grove which is beside the temple. The grove is so holy to the heathen that the individual trees in it are believed to be holy because of the death or decay of the killed victims. There, even dogs and horses are hanging beside the people, their bodies hanging confused together.
Finally, I will tell you about Irminsul and its etymology. According to Wikipedia, the article Irminsul, an Irminsul is a column that proves the hard work of Saxons for the paganism. The oldest chronicle describes the Irminsul as a tree trunk that is straight in the opened sky. It is also explained in important speeches and it is judged for hundreds of years. Now, I will talk about the Etymology of the Irminsul. A Germanic god Irmin, reasoned from the name Irminsul and the tribe name Iromines, it is sometimes estimated to have been the national god or a part-god of the Saxons. It has been suggested that Irmin was probably an avatar or some other god, most likely Odin. Scientists believe the idea that Odin replaced Ziu as the boss Germanic god at the start of the Migration Period which I have explained before. These days, it is also called the “Great pillar” instead of “Irmin’s pillar” or “Odin’s Pillar”.
In my opinion, the most interesting thing I have researched is the festival and the Irminsul. It is because the festival is kind of like a mystery. It was known that in former times, only three seasons were celebrated, however, now, we found out that they divided only in to two seasons. I will try to research about this if I have a chance. Also, I was interested in the last small topic I researched. It was the Irminsul, and I liked the story related to it. I want to see the Irminsul next time.
In conclusion, I talked about my topic, Saxon pagan religion which is also Germanic paganism. I told you about the Migration period, the Middle ages, and some Cultic practices, worship and sacrifice, festivals and burial. Also, you can remember the Irminsul proving the Saxon’s hard work and the story about it which is also called the “Great pillar” instead of “Irmin’s pillar” or “Odin’s Pillar” these days. Sometimes, I was surprised during the research, terrified, and also scared, but I am sure I learned a lot. Anyways, I am Christianity, and it was hard to understand the pagans before, but now, I think I understand it very well. This is the end of my presentation. Thank you for listening.

2011년 1월 20일 목요일

Dear Dk Diary,

Hello! I am very tired today.
I don't know why, but maybe because of computers.
The thing is, my body is ok, but my eyes are very tired! I think it is the fact that I used a computer in debate class for two houre, and also right now! I will try to stop doing so much computer.
How are YOU? You look very happy. Did you take a look at my compare and contrast essay? It is the longest essay in the blog, I think.
For my eye-health. Bye!
P.S. the picture looks like a hunchback!

2011년 1월 18일 화요일

The Wacky Web Tales!

Wacky Web Tales! This is my first one, quite funny. I don't know if it makes any sense, though!

Radio Announcer: Thank you for tuning in today. We are here in Chicago to celebrate National Poetry Month. In just a moment, the nation's poet laureate, Madonna, will read a poem about a(n) book. And here is Madonna.
Madonna: Thank you, everyone. This is a very funny poem I wrote about a(n) book.
An Ode to a(n) book
The book is as big as a(n) computer.
It reminds me of small papers walking.
O, the book. O, the book!
What do red people think when they see you for the first time?
Perhaps they know there are happy days ahead.
O, the book. O, the book!
For some, you are lovely, but for others, you are sweet.
If we are eating, we pause when we think of you.
May you always ran.
O, the book. O, the book!
The end.

My Major Essay-Out My Window

     Did you ever go to the site highrise and explore? Well, this is the first time for me, and my friend is Donna, and she lives in Chicago. I am going to write a contrast and compare essay with my house and her house and also the compare and contrast of two worlds, Chicago or The United States and Korea, and finally the difference and similarities of Donna and me.
     First, I will compare and contrast her house and mine. The similarities inside the house is that we had a Christmas tree since Christmas, and she does too. If we look out the window, we can see a parking lot and many buildings like Donna, but the difference is the buildings I see are not destroyed. She has a comfortable - looking sofa, which we have too, and it is looking at the television. At the kitchen, there are many plates, which we use at our house, and there is a bed room, too. We have some pictures of people in the house, but the difference about it is that the picures Donna has are the friends' who died out and looks sad, but in our house pictures, we have family pictures, all smiling. It is kind of a sad comparement. Now, what is the difference with her house and our room in the dormitory? First of all, we have no TVs or sofas. We have only the hall, and two rooms. Wow, I found one thing same! I could only find two rooms in her house. Still, she has a kitchen and things, but you know we don't. Out the window! We can also see the parking lot and buildings that are not destroyed, but buildings out of Donna's windows are.
     Now, I will compare and contrast Chicago ( The United States) and Korea. While I was watching the videos availible, I realized that Chicago is a very scary country and I also thoughjt I was lucky to be in Korea. What is the matter? Donna's son got shot in the year of 13, and she also got shot when she was young. Isn't is sad and also surprising? I never knew that in Chicago, people just shoot everyone without content and penalty. This is a serious problem. Do we shoot each other in Korea, laughing? No, never. It is not often for me to see a person injured by getting shot. However, shooting happens every day in Chicago, almost every moment. Can we do this? No, and I won't expect it to be. Another difference is about the destroyed buildings. Out of Donna's window and by the videos, I could know that most buildings are destroyed. Donna moved about 5 times to be safe. 5 times! It costs a lot of money, and also it is not easy to do in Korea. Wow, are you surprised now?
     Finally, about me and Donna! Donna is a nice woman with babies, and she is brave. Looking outside everyday, looking at the all - destroyed buildings, she barely feels nothing. If I was in Chicago, I would have been crying everyday, looking at the pictures of my friends and the buildings I have lived. Another thing. Looking at her face, she did not look happy, of course. She seemed very depressed and lost all confidence but has effort to live. I am full of effort, too. However, I am not depressed. I am so happy to be in this camp and learn. The similarities are as I mentioned, we both have great effort to live. Also, we enjoy watching tv ( she was staring into the TV ), and I think we both watch out the window much, because she said that she looks out her window everyday, and feels bad. I look out the window and I feel good, and that is the difference.
     In conclusion, there are many similarities and difference with the world, house, and the person it self between Donna and me. I want to ask something to the people reading this. Did you think about why Donna's friend were dead? Yes, it was all shooting. If I meet Donna, I want to give her confidence and encourage her as a friend, it will all be okay now. I will ask you, are you a person like Donna, or a person like me?

2011년 1월 17일 월요일

Fourth Dinamante Poem!!

Balanced, Comfortable,
Talking, Moving, Being Steady,
Elderly, Adults, Youngers, Students,
Breathing fast, Aching, Frowning,
Endure, Sweating,
NEVER say 'no' to panda.

     I think this is a good commercial. Not the panda kicking and throwing everything, I like the last part. Most of the people think this comercial is famous because of the panda's actions, but I don't think so.
     In my opinion, this commercial is viral and famous because of the last part of every commercial, the panda turning the cheese to make it look good, saying
                           " never say no the panda"
     This is the actual reason why I think this commercial is funny and the panda seems to try tomake the cheese look better by turning it to the side. Now, I really need some cheese!!!

My History Presentation-2

      Have you ever seen anyone in the history that has two faces? Most of them are hard working from the beginning to the end. Well, this is known by the legend, but I found one person with two differeent faces which is the character of the movie. Through the movie, I could barely know that he was one of Charles' soldiers and he fought for his victory.
     Yes, my topic is Ogier the Dane. Dane means a person who comes from Denmark. The reason I chose Ogier is because for the last presentation, I researched about the Saxon leader, Widukind which s Charlemagne's enemy, and this time, I wanted to research about Charles' side. I will tell you some legends and information, and the modern works related to Ogier the Dane.
     According to Wikipedia, the article "Ogier the Dane", he is the soldier of Charlemagne who tried to destroy the Saxons for Charles. Through the legend, it is told that he is known in the Northern Europs, but he got popular fast, and n the 15th century, he was also described in the pictures of Denmark and Sweden's church.
     Pederson, Who was living in Paris made Ogier to the son of the Dansih king. The Danish king made Ogier the hostage of Charlemagne, and this became famous in Denmark.
    Like Fedrick Babarossa, Saint Wenceslas, or King Arthur, in the legend of Denmark, Ogier became the king in the mountain and said to live in the Konbruge Castle, and he played until he realized that Denmark was in a big danger.
     According to another legend, Morganle Fay took him to Avalon. In the opera, Holger Danske in 1789 explains thislegend.
     Next, I will tell you about modern works related to Ogier the Dane. Poul Anderson's fantasy novel, " Three Hearts and Three Lions" in 1961 draws these many legends and also change them. I could know that Ogier was a historical person with as much legends. The main character, Holger Carlsen whom is a Danish fighter is delivered to a fantasy changed history. He eventually learns that he is Ogier the Dane, sent to our world to remove him from human and faries. At the end, he concludes the prediction that Ogier wil return at the time of France.
      Now, these are what I felt about this character. According to Wikipedia, the article "Oger the Dane", in one of is legends it said that Ogier became a king living in the Konbruge Castle. I think before he bacame a king, he was full of devotion, but I guess he became a little bit arrogant and not clever after he bacame a king. This is because he mostly played, and also I introduced tis before.
     I wish I have a chance to take a look at the book. Ithink it will be fun reading it.Maybe it will make me go inside the backround of Denmark, and experience what Ogier actually did.
     I did not know, Ogier has so many legends related to him. I think heis the character that has the most legends, and I liked the one that he just played before realizing the problem because it could have made him learn a lesson.
     In conclusion, I told youabout many of his legends such as becoming a hostage of Charlemagne and becoming a king, and also my opinion is that he was clever and loyal, but not after becoming a king. Maybe there will be a chance for the book of  legends. Before I end my presentation, I will give you a question. Do you think you are a person like Ogier, the two faced men? Thank you!

Dear Dk diary,

Hi again!
I am very sleepy today. I couldn't eat breakfast..
Are you sleepy? I believe that diaries follow the owner's feelings.
Maybe you will feel very fresh. I wish I was.
I found out where the pictures of GLPS are!
Now, I will post up some of them.
Then, Bye!
Sleepy Emily
P.S. I wish ten thirty came fast. Time for bed!

2011년 1월 16일 일요일

My journal-3rd week of GLPS

Dear DK Diary,
Wow! The half of GLPS is already done!
I think my English skills developed a lot, I also learned about friendship and cooperation.
I actually never missed my mom very much in other camps, but this time, I miss them a lot.
I felt the empty space of my parents and my baby brother. I cried yesterday T_T
I will wait 2 more weeks with the belief that I can see my parents.
Anyways, it is the start of the third week. I guess everyone was sleepy because all of my roommates and I woke up on seven thirty, even if we have to wake up in seven.
I am enjoying blogging, and I love to post things on my blog.
Maybe some gadgets, ( I love the fish and the puppy one) and some essays I worked in writing class.
Bye.. It's time to go to Mr. Chaplian..Debate class!
P.S. Where is your family, anyways?

The third diamante poetry: TVs & Computers

Scene, Sound,
Watching, Listening, Turning,
Channels, Volume, Sites, Blogs
Clicking, Posting, Chatting
Writings, Chats,

2011년 1월 15일 토요일

My Gadgets

Did you see my gadgets?
-click the water where the fish is!
-click the kisses!
-if you need research click the sites
-the dogs are lovely!

The Dance Party~

     Yesterday, we had a dance party and I loved it!! I screamed a lot and I tried to get rid of my stress, and I did! I saw a lot of  PAs dancing and I had one PA I liked..
     It was Park Joon Sup PA. I will not tell the specific reason why, but you know, he is cute and I also like the song he sang, 'DDang DDang DDang' from the Supreme team.
     Anyways, I think everyone had fun.
     Our classmate, Stephany danced 'Hoot' from Girls Generation. I think she did a good job. They got the third place prize.
     Also, So-Min danced Nu Abo and Bang, She was good at it, and she was powerful in dancing. I thought she will get the first place prize, but the result was second place. So, who got the first place?
     It was the team that danced 'Shock'. I saw them in the odition, and they were good. I expected them to get a prize.
     Anyways, it was a good day, and I enjoyed very much!
  ( These are some pictures of the dance party.
      You can see Stephanie!!)



     Dear Naeun, Sua, Jiwon, my intensive roommates,
     Hi! You know who I am, right? You should know!
     The half of GLPS is already done, and now, if people say I need to go home, I think I will be very sad. I am now very familiar in you guys, (all listening to Mr. Garrioch's class) and I believe we are great friends now! We were friendly when we met for the first time! Remember? We were talking like we knew each other before we came to the camp!
     I will tell specific things to you..
     First, Naeun! I am sorry that I go up your bed a lot! I will try to stop it. Also, I think we are a match made in heaven! Ha-ha! This is because...you know. Our specialities are exactly the same, or the very opposite! I never had a friend like that.
     Umm.. Sua! I envy you. You are so good at English! THanks for all the goods and snacks! I enjoy them very much, and I will try to give you my snacks, too.Also, I am sorry to turn on the music when you are the tagger of the game, Marco Polo. The thing is you are good, and you know that.
     Finally, Jiwon! Thanks for trying to be fun and make me laugh. I will try to make you fun, too and I will not try to say sorry. I know you don't like it. I will help you a lot in all things, and I will always like you as a friend!
     To all of them, I wish you can see this and reply. Bye~ Have a nice weekend!
  January 16, 2011
  Love, Emily
  X X X

The viral video 2-Have a look!

^ ^

Annother diamante poetry: messages(?!)

Fun, Secrets,
Laughing, Hiding, Staring
Me, Friends, Parents, Teachers
Speaking, Telling, Listening,
Open, Conversation,

2011년 1월 13일 목요일

Hands up!!

Whoever loves chocolate, hands up!
Me! I love chocolate. If the teacher talks about it (in school), everyone stares at me. I don't think I like that.
I had a short research about chocolate. (Wikipedia)
Chocolate is a raw or processed food produced from the seed of the tropical Theobroma cacao tree. Cacao has been cultivated for at least three millennia in Mexico, Central and South America, with its earliest documented use around 1100 BC. The majority of the Mesoamerican people made chocolate beverages, including the Aztecs, who made it into a beverage known as xocolātl a Nahuatl word meaning "bitter water". The seeds of the cacao tree have an intense bitter taste, and must be fermented to develop the flavor.
After fermentation, the beans are dried, then cleaned, and then roasted, and the shell is removed to produce cacao nibs. The nibs are then ground to cocoa mass, pure chocolate in rough form. Because this cocoa mass usually is liquefied then molded with or without other ingredients, it is called chocolate liquor. The liquor also may be processed into two components: cocoa solids and cocoa butter. Unsweetened baking chocolate (bitter chocolate) contains primarily cocoa solids and cocoa butter in varying proportions. Much of the chocolate consumed today is in the form of sweet chocolate, combining cocoa solids, cocoa butter or other fat, and sugar. Milk chocolate is sweet chocolate that additionally contains milk powder or condensed milk. White chocolate contains cocoa butter, sugar, and milk but no cocoa solids.
Cocoa solids contain alkaloids such as theobromine and phenethylamine, which have physiological effects on the body. It has been linked to serotonin levels in the brain. Some research found that chocolate, eaten in moderation, can lower blood pressure. The presence of theobromine renders chocolate toxic to some animals, especially dogs and cats.
Chocolate has become one of the most popular food types and flavors in the world. Gifts of chocolate molded into different shapes have become traditional on certain holidays: chocolate bunnies and eggs are popular on Easter, chocolate coins on Hanukkah, Santa Claus and other holiday symbols on Christmas, and chocolate hearts or chocolate in heart-shaped boxes on Valentine's Day. Chocolate is also used in cold and hot beverages, to produce chocolate milk and hot chocolate.
Around three quarters of the world's cacao bean production takes place in West Africa.
(My best one is white chocolate!)

A Diamante Poetry:Chocolate!


Sweet, Delicious,
Jumping, Smiling, Laughing,
Love, Happiness, Hatred, Reject,
Crying, Spitting, Frowning,
Bitter, Astringent

Sources for research

and more!Hope it helped a lot!

2011년 1월 11일 화요일

" Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring"

     "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring" gave me a great stimulation and a big lesson. The master, which was smart, saw the young monk tie the fish, frog, and snake. So, he gave him the same punishment, tying a heavy rock on his back. I think the master was right to do it, and it gave me a lot of emotions. I was happy when I saw the boy enjoying being a monk, and also mad and depressed when he tied up the animals and was working on his punishment.
      I think the monk was trying to teach that animals and nature should be respected, same as human. I saw the scene of the fish and smake dead, and I felt very sorry for it. I also repent of afflicting the nature, such as catching a dragonfly. I don't think I was right.
     I had a similar experience like the young monk. My friends and I caught a dragonfly. I knew it was wrong, but I did it. We bothered it a lot, and it seemed painful, but we didn't just cut it off. We did not know how the dragonfly felt, but after the punishment, I knew.
     Since I can think more when I talk and imagine instead of being hit, my friend asked to imagin that a big giant was holding me between his big fingers. Will I like it? Certainly not. I was imaginating the force that was pushing me from sides. I was almost dead, not able to breathe in my imagination. After that, I felt very sorry and painful, and it reminded myself not to bother animals AGAIN.
     While I was watching the film, I learned that I should respect the nature and animals. I could feel it, and it was surprising that just a 20minute film could be so educational. The film was one of the Esop stories which are short, but teaching me a lesson.
     In conclusion, I thought the monk was trying to make the young one to learn to respect the nature, having experience by having the exact thing he did. Well, if you want to bother animals, I prefer you to imagine yourself between two giant fingers!

2011년 1월 10일 월요일

I want you to have more rest!

Enjoy a 5 minute recess!!

My Movie Review!

Hello again! This is my movie review.
My best movie is a Korean movie, " Hello Ghost"
It is a comedy, but I almost cried in the back of it.
I will just tell you about the very outline.
There was a man, he wanted to die, and he meets people that are ghosts.. He is the only person who can see them. He sees four! When the ghosts are beside him, this man named Tae Hyeon Cha cannot die. So he accomplishes all of thier wishes and make them go. However, he realizes somthing too late..
I like it because the storyline changes a lot!
Enjoy the rest yourself!
( I am sorry--I cannot find an English preview!)

Have a rest!

Hahaha..Have a rest!

My History Presentation!(I should improve a lot!)

My History Presentation
      Hello, everyone. My name is Emily Kim and I am going to give you a presentation about my topic, Widukind which is also a character in the movie, Charlemagne. Before preparing, I didnot have intrest in medival history, butit was a good experience to reasearch and studying about it.
     When I saw the movie Charlemagne, it was hard to see Widukind's appearance, so I did some reasearch on the computer. However, there was not much information on the computer ethier, so I will tell you Widukind relating with Charlemagne. First, I am going to tell you about Widukind, and my opinions about him.
     First, I will tell you about Widukind.According to Google and the Catholic Encyclopedia, Widukind was the Saxon leader and also one of the royalities in the Westphalian. He was dead in the year 807, and no one knows when hs was born. He worked hard for the pagans during the struggle of Saxons. The Feankish king was Charlemagne. The Frankish wars were coloured with thier special feeling of France. After Charlemagne's victory in the year of  777, Widukind escaped to Denmark because he knew that they were the next one to be attacked. He knew that the case of opposition would not work. So in 778, when Charlemagne was in Spain, he came back and organized the war of revenge and told the Saxons the im-portance of independence tothe Saxons. So as it was organized, the Saxons destroyed the region, and also threatened Fulda. The monks of Fulda fled with the remains. Unfortunately, the frankish army saved the town by defeating the Saxons. In 782, Charlemagne tried to make the pagan Saxons to move to the Frankish area, but they did not. So, they started a war.While fighting, Charlemagne killed 783 people out of 4500 ofthem. Widukind escaped to Denmark again. However, the SAxons fought more fiercely. So, Charlemagne asked Widukind for peace, and Widukind met the empress and accepted baptism. When Charlemagne started to march home, Widukind came again. Few years later, the Saxon started to develop, and the wends were curious about it. Then again, Widuking went back to Denmark and persuaded the citizens to join the revolt. However, thier last opposition got weaker and weaker.Charlemagne knew that the opposition was done, so the Frankish people enjoyed a comfortable Thanksgiving.
     After that, in the late wars of Saxons, Widukind did not take a big part, but now, Widukind is known as a hero of legend.
     Now, this is my opinion. In my opinion, I guess that Widukind was a clever man because he had no problem in persuading the citizens to join the revolt. This should be because he spoke something that can convince them or spoke in a brilliant way. If I was the citizen, I would not try to join it because it could be very dangerous, but they did, so I guess that he was clever.
     Also, I think he is brave. If I wan him, I would not try to revenge against the great king Charlemagne because they might fight back, and I won't be expecting it to happen.
      As I said when I introduced my presentation, his appearance was very rare in the movie, so I thought it would be hard to prepare for it, but it was not as I thought. If I organize my speech in a sentence, I can say that Wkidukind was the Saxon leader who was brave and clever against the Fankish king Charlemagne. I hope you learned a lot. Thank you for listening to my presentation!!!