2011년 5월 30일 월요일

Reading "The Giver"

The Giver
When I first faced this book, I thought that this book will be very boring and will take a lot of time to finish this. Some will understand what I mean. There are not many books with an old grandpa on there, but do you know that you should not “Judge the book by the cover”, which was exactly what I was doing? I started reading off some of the chapters, and I actually found me inside the book.
What I didn’t like about this “Perfect World” is that if people aren’t able to see colors and emotions and they do what people make them to do, life will be no fun. Totally! Life is fun because sometimes you get into fights and troubles. Even if there are none of these bad things such as murder and illness, the most important thing is to enjoy your life!
When Jonas became the Receiver of Memory also because people made him to have his job as one, I wasn’t sure if he would like it. If you get this job in this world, I knew that you will get to know way more things then before which no one knows. Jonas remembered the colors, and got trained by “The Giver”.
When I figured out that this people “killed” people because they had no emotion, I was very shocked, scared, and also angry like Jonas. Jonas felt the same. He was angry and wanted to release the emotions and he tried to get out of this boring society with the giver (after he does this, the people remember what they forgot). I think this was a good idea.
This book made me think a lot. Is the world without colors, animals and sunshine good? Why did they have to do like this? I enjoyed reading this book, and I want to recommend it to my friends, too.

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